Pets moving to Guam:
As of Jan 2024, We currently have one flight per month HNL to Guam.
We will be assisting all arrangements from mainland US, Europe, or Asia to stage pets in Honolulu a few days prior to the charter as needed. If you have a pet that you are unable to get on the military flight, this is your opportunity to get your pet home!
There aren’t any restrictions for the breed, pet size, or pet type. All pets will be required to meet Hawaii and Guam import regulations.
To hold your pet’s spot, a non-refundable $500.00 deposit will be required, this deposit is not refundable unless for some reason the flight was canceled (we have confirmed this flight and do not expect any cancellations) This is for ANY reason, change of orders, loss of job, etc, the deposit will hold the valuable space for your pet.
There will be a limit to the number of pets, we now have limited space on a monthly basis and that space varies by kennel size – we will be booking pets based on a first come first booked basis. Your pet will not be confirmed until you have submitted your deposit.
All pets will be cleared in Guam with Harper Valley Kennel – if you already have a permit started with Anderson, it will have to be updated to HVK.
Every person’s move will be different and a quote request form is required to be filled out by everyone. Please be as accurate as possible in your measurements and breed (breed will be important for the mainland to Hawaii flight) if your measurements change or your pet’s breed is different than what you share with us, this will affect your price.
You do NOT have to be military to book this flight, this flight is open to everyone.
To submit your quote request, please follow this link: Pets moving to Guam from Mainland US, Hawaii or other international locations
Pets departing Guam:
We will be assisting all arrangements from Guam to the mainland US, Europe or Asia to stage pets in Honolulu or LAX a few days following the charter as needed. If you have a pet that you are unable to get on the military flight, or on United PetSafe military exemption, this is your opportunity to get your pet home!
There aren’t any restrictions for breed, pet size or pet type.
To hold your pet’s spot, a non-refundable $500.00 pre-payment will be required. This space is limited and varies based on crate size.
There will be a limit to the number of pets typically 10-15 per month – we will be booking pets on a first come first booked basis. Your pet will not be confirmed until you have submitted your pre-payment.
All pets will be cleared with customs upon arrival to Honolulu and Guam.
Every person’s move will be different and a quote request form is required to be filled out by everyone. Please be as accurate as possible in your measurements and breed (breed will be important for the mainland from Hawaii flight) if your measurements change or your pet’s breed is different than you share with us, this will affect your price.
Click here for the quote request form: Pets Departing Guam moving to Mainland US, Hawaii, or other international destinations